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The full-service IT partner for your Hospitality and F&B business

  • Skilled professionals
  • Full-stack IT solutions
  • 100% dedicated

Guide. Deliver. Care.

Reliable automation solutions are the backbone of any hospitality and catering company. For your business to flourish you need your IT systems to work. But finding the right partner that suits your needs can be a headache.

At Van Hessen we offer flexible and well-developed solutions that seamlessly meet your specific demands. We not only have full IT knowledge but are a dedicated team of experts that shares your passion for hospitality. Most of us worked in hotels and restaurants for years. Therefore, we sense what you need and comprehend your wishes.

We advise and assist. And guide you through the world of IT options, delivering full-stack solutions for the challenges you face and support you in any way. Together we search for the right solution to thrive your business. That’s the power of Van Hessen.

Our Mission statement:

Van Hessen offers proven and effective IT solutions for the Hospitality and F&B industry. Our service is unparalleled and consists of so much more than software.

Our dedicated team of experts combines years of Hotel- and F&B experience with up-to-date IT knowledge. We empathize, provide personal attention and support our clients from A to Z. A full-service approach with tailored advice, professional implementation and our trusted Van Hessen support.

We offer stability and consistency for our customers, suppliers and team members. For now and in the future. Since we are your IT companion.

"At Van Hessen we highly value our clients and are proud to be their IT-companion in business."

Ronnie Hinrichs, Managing Director

We strive for an excellent and long-term relationship with our clients. Our committed team helps and assists you with all the IT challenges you may face. To ensure you make the best choices for your individual situation, we guide you through the maze of IT solutions. We have your back and make IT work for you, so you can focus on what truly matters in your business.

At Van Hessen we take pleasure in our work, enjoy a laugh and promise to be there for you when you need us. Consider us your partner and IT companion. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a guiding consult.

Van Hessen operates in the following countries:

The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, England, Ivory coast, Liberia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Gambia, Senegal, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Sierra Leone and Cabo Verde.
 With offices in Ridderkerk, Boortmeerbeek and Dakar.

World of Van Hessen

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'Our new IT-infrastructure is exactly what we needed.’

Rachel Klaare De Schildkamp
Van Hessen

Wolweverstraat 25
NL-2984 CE Ridderkerk
Tel: +31 180 442 800

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